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On-Demand Dealer Continuing Education

Get up to speed on industry changes and ensure you're following best practices for your dealership, all while fulfilling Idaho's 4-hours of continuing education requirement.

Get Your Required Annual Continuing Education

Take the classes that interest you, and meet Idaho's requirements for dealers to take four hours of continuing education each year.

Receive $50 Off Per Person

Become a Member and Start Receiving Benefits Today

In addition to being a member of the Idaho State Independent Automobile Dealer Association, and all the benefits that provides, you will receive a $50 per person discount when you register for an on-demand continuing education class. 

Join Today
Already a member?
Continuing Education
Enroll for the required continuing education credit hours. You will have access to all courses where you can choose the topics that best suit your interests/needs and fulfill your 4-hour annual requirement.
Library of education courses
Fulfill 4-hour annual CE requirement
60-day access

On-Demand Continuing Education Courses

Purchase access to our on-demand continuing education courses where you will be able to direct your education however you wish, while obtaining the required 4-hours of continuing education.